Confidence isn’t something that is created overnight. In fact in some of our most challenging moments we feel like we lose it in a split second. This is where the practice of our craft comes through for us; because with practice builds confidence. Practice also teaches us how to push past the feeling of losing vs learning!
Confidence isn't created through the practice of false wishes or desires to be great and it sure as heck isn't going to happen over night...a lot like success!
It is a direct relationship to the practice that one puts into their craft and with that practice of what it feels like to do something correct over and over again. It is owning that practice where our BIG things come into fruition! #bigpicture
This past weekends performance on the mound was by far one of my one
on one athletes, Norah Kennelly’s most memorable and dominating moments on the mound!

She not only managed every ball hit back at her but she also had a .000 ERA!
She literally gave up 4 hits all weekend and got 3 WINS! She also threw a NO-HITTER on Saturday! If you read my last Athlete Spotlight you know that I am a firm believer in Pitchers can’t win games by themselves let alone throw No-Hitters.

They the (Pitchers) have to have complete buy-in from their teammates...you got my back I got your back mentality and lets not forget about being contagious in a good way! Norah was so contagious this past weekend! Ya know to be the teammate you want to have!

This is a true testament of what it takes to manage such TRUE confidence! For Norah this has been something that she has always been striving for. In fact her “swag” is identifiable on the field in everything she does and this is something that as her Pitching Coach/Mentor I have been building into her headspace each time we work together. It's okay to celebrate your strike out, it's okay to make a diving catch on a bunt in the air...there is NOTHING wrong with celebrating your ability and all of the hard work you put into your craft! ((Hence practice the way you want to play!))
"Own your opportunity to do great things."
-Coach Kally V.

A little back story on her growth this year....
Back in the Spring of 2021 (this year) out of my current clients that I had at that time, Norah along with two other clients of mine, Gianna Baca and Cailee Culweel made a choice to continue their growth with me as their coach since my family and I needed to relocate in order to keep moving forward and growing ourselves. They decided to do what others weren’t doing.
This is empowerment in one's choice to grow and all three of them have GROWN in more ways than one!
When I am available I will drive to watch them play, something that I wasn’t really able to do before. This past weekend, it had been a couple months since I was able to go watch Norah play and man did I need it but she needed it too. Even her Coach text me and said he felt it boosted her confidence!
I will never forget the moment Norah really chose to grow into her position as a pitcher. See deciding to be a pitcher isn't an easy choice, there is a lot of responsibilities and emotions to manage. She has done so well at this that her confidence in her ability to pitch spills over into her ability to play SS, her ability to hit from the right side and become a Slapper in the past 5 months! Oh and lay down some amazing bunts too! Lets not forget her speed too!
At a young age, Norah has learned how to put her blinders on and TRUST her PROCESS no one else's. In turn this has created a pocket of peace when she is on the mound! Her safe space!
Norah's growth this past years speaks volumes in her consistency of speed, hitting her spots as well as patience in learning each time we work together! She is always ready to "grow" and learn how to manage the manageable!
Norah, watching you play this weekend made me want to get out there and play with you!! I love the command you have on the field but also the command of the ball when you pitch! SO much hard work and dedication has been put into this position and it shows!!
Crazy to think that the school year is already at a half-way point and you will be in High School next year. I am blessed to be a part of your journey girl!! Thank you for choosing to be a part of mine!
Always proud of you girl!
If God brought you to it, he WILL bring you through it!
Love Coach Kally V.
